Children's diseases and methods of protection

Childhood Diseases and Prevention, What are Childhood Diseases?

Elevation of body temperature in infants and children. Elevation of body temperature is one of the symptoms and consequences of many diseases, especially inflammations. The rise in temperature is related to the body's process of fighting against invading, disease-causing organisms. For this reason, taking body temperature is the best way to know if a child is sick, and keeping a thermometer in the medicine cabinet will be helpful. However, experience shows that how the thermometer should be used is not well understood.

Measuring children's body temperature

A thermometer is a glass cylinder with lines on it. It contains mercury (a silver-colored liquid) that expands when heated. Mercury shows the place in the balloon and the temperature of the body. Before use, it is necessary to lower the mercury, tube below the line indicating normal body temperature by swinging the degree. It doesn't matter how far below this line the mercury is. Reading a degree is very easy. First convert the degree so that you can read the numbers. Then, continue turning the mercury column until it is thicker and brighter. The extreme point of the column will show the body temperature. In order to provide a more accurate measurement, the interval between each grade is divided into smaller grades.

Body temperature can be obtained from several places:

Mouth: The mercury tip of thermometers can be placed under the tongue or between the tongue and the cheek, but under the tongue is more effective. The mouth should be closed for two minutes while measuring the body temperature through the mouth. Small children may have difficulty keeping their mouths closed, especially if their noses are blocked. Care should be taken that the child does not bite the balloon. Such an event is rare. But if it happens to you, don't be sad, don't get too excited. Feed the child some bread to wrap the bottle. The amount of mercury entering the body is not large enough to cause a significant problem.

Armpit: The mercury tip of the thermometers is placed in the armpit (axilla) and the arm is held firmly over the chest. This is the easiest method. However, it may not always be successful. It is very likely that the tip of the thermometers will not be completely closed.

Anus: This is generally a more reliable method than oral. It is very easy to apply to children up to two or three years old. It is necessary to put the child on the bed or on the knees. After running the vaseline to the mercury tip, the anus is 2.5 cm. thrown into it.

The importance of variable heat rates is as follows:

  • Normal temperature is 36.4 ° - 37.1 ° C
  • The average temperature is 37.20 - 38.9 ° C
  • High temperature 38.9 ° - 39.7 °
  • Very High temperature above 39.7 °C

Body temperature varies at different times of the day and is generally higher at night. This fever is only one indicator of the child's health status, and care should be taken to assess the problem as a whole. Healthy children's body temperatures may rise, especially after excessive movement or crying. On the other hand, infants can get sick if their body temperature is below normal. For this reason, determining the temperature should be seen as only part of the assessment of the child's health. The fact that the work is normal should not create an obstacle for your child, whom you think is sick, to go to the doctor. The temperature control mechanisms of small children are not sufficiently developed. For this reason, body temperature rises and falls easily. Therefore, very high temperatures seen in small children should not be taken as a sign of a serious illness. A child loses heat directly from his skin in order to balance his body temperature. It is not right to overdress a child with a temperature to prevent him from losing heat. It is a popular belief that a sick child should be kept warm, regardless of body temperature. When children have a fever, it is one of the rare cases when mothers and fathers panic and do not think properly. "The child is burning with fever, come quickly" is a common situation when a doctor is called to find a feverish child wrapped in layers, wrapped in a blanket, and near a heat source. However, this is an inappropriate and even dangerous action. Because there are many symptoms of the disease, temperature. Shivering occurs as a result of an increase in body temperature. Rapidly repetitive muscle movements release stored energy in the form of heat. Keeping things under control is very important in the care of a sick child.

What Problems Does Temperature Cause in Children, Temperature Harms

  • Fluid Loss: Sustained high heat causes the body to lose excess fluid through sweating. If fluid is not taken in the amount of lost fluid, kidney functions can be affected in a negative direction and the chemical balance of the body is disturbed.
  • Shock: A temperature above 39.7 degrees Celsius can cause epileptic seizures. This condition, which is usually seen between 1-3 years of age, is rare in children older than 5 years.

Temperature child care:

  • The cause of the illness must be determined so that appropriate care can be provided. It is usually caused by temperature, disease. A sick child should be kept as comfortable as possible until he returns to normal.
  • Clothing: After removing all unnecessary clothing, only loose pajamas should be left on the child. Care should also be taken not to leave the child in the current.
  • Drinks: Considering that high temperature can cause fluid loss in the body, the child should be given more drinks than before. Nutrition: a child with a temperature has no appetite. As for his appetite, he should be fed little by little easy-to-digest, delicious food.
  • Medication: Aspirin is very useful in bringing down the temperature and can be given in appropriate doses every three hours. In situations where seizures are likely, the doctor may suggest using an anticonvulsant medication.
  • Soaking with warm water: If the fever rises above 39.7 degrees, the child should be completely undressed and all parts of his body should be soaked with a sponge dipped in warm water. The water should not be dried; the body should be left to dry on its own. Because heat loss will occur when the water evaporates.

When should a child consult a doctor when he has a temperature?

If the temperature rises above 38.8 degrees centigrade, if the temperature does not fall for two or three days, if there is a possibility of shock coming together with the temperature, then the child should be referred to the doctor immediately.