Heart and vascular diseases

Nutritional problems, excessive consumption of heart-damaging foods and drinks

. in short; alcohol:

Indeed, the main of all damagers is melting the lining of the blood vessels, causing blood to leak from the vessels into the tissues.


The main ones are tea, coffee, cocoa and cigarettes. They have an extremely negative effect on the heart and blood vessels, causing premature damage. By affecting the nervous system, it disrupts the rhythm of the heart. In addition, cholesterol in the blood sticks to the inner surface of the arteries and narrows the arteries, thus causing high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries. Smoking poisons the blood, making the heart work harder and therefore tired.

Meat and Meat Products:

Fatty meats are especially harmful because they are high in cholesterol. By increasing the amount in the blood, they cause fatigue of the heart. They clog the arteries and create conditions for the occurrence of a heart attack.

White bread, sugar, flour:

These first cause blood to clot, which has tiring effects on the heart as it requires more energy to transport the clotted blood.

Air Pollution,

The more polluted the air we breathe, the more the heart gets tired.

Unhealthy Living Conditions:

Irregular eating, sleeping and rest hours, physically and mentally annoying living conditions, intense stress cause the heart to tire and wear out.


It is one of the most important factors that tire the heart. We do not mention here the negative effects on the muscle and skeletal system.

Sex Life:

Irregular sex life, fears of power and the stress caused by it cause more fatigue of the heart.

High pressure:

It is persistent high pressure. It is possible to increase the pressure due to reasons such as fatigue, insomnia, overeating, and fast movement. But it is not sustainable. High blood pressure is caused by over-sensitivity of the nervous system that controls the heart, hardening of the arteries seen in old age, blood clotting, and kidney problems (nephritis). High blood pressure can lead to heart enlargement and paralysis.


Constant headache and dizziness


Weakness in vision and flying mosquitoes in front of the eyes

shortness of breath

ringing in the ears

Constant coldness of hands and feet

Frequent spasms in the legs


memory impairment

Tingling in the hands at night


Drug treatment and nutritional diet should be applied under the supervision of a doctor.

Low Pressure:

It can usually be from massive internal bleeding or from unknown causes. Inadequate nutrition, vitamin deficiency, side effects of some drugs also lower blood pressure.


missing out


coldness and bruising in the hands and feet,

Dizziness and blurred vision when standing up (we all have it sometimes, if it doesn't happen often, there's no reason to be afraid.)

don't get tired easily


Medical treatment is usually applied under the supervision of a doctor, in case of need for vitamin and nutritional diet.

Heart spasm:

It occurs due to the thickening and narrowing of the arteries that feed the heart as a result of cholesterol, so less blood passes through the veins. They sometimes feel a pain in the left chest after meals or when walking fast, climbing stairs, breathing cold air. This pain spreads to the left shoulder and left arm and makes it extremely difficult to breathe. It is more common in men. It usually takes 5-10 minutes. The most important part of a heart spasm is the opening of a heart attack (infarction).

If you feel such complaints, you should stay calm, get fresh air in the environment and go to an equipped hospital without wasting time. (by ambulance)

Ischemia (Infarction):

It is the cause of 20% of deaths worldwide. It is the death of the heart muscle by being blocked by a clot in the coronary artery of any part of the heart.


A terrible pang and pain in the heart

Pain in the left arm

Sometimes vomiting and belching

Pallor and loss of brightness of the eye

low pressure


inflammation of the artery

blood clotting

Narrowing and hardening of the inner wall of the artery due to cholesterol or calcification

heart spasm


The patient should be placed under medical observation without delay. The vast majority of deaths from heart attacks occur because the patient arrives late to the hospital. As soon as it is felt, an emergency medical service should be called, followed by 1 (Max. 300 mg.) Aspirin tablet, and the patient should have a short, hard and rhythmic cough.


Waiting for an ambulance is very important, the survival rate of patients brought to the hospital by special vehicles is lower.

mitral insufficiency

The mitral valve is the valve on the left side of the heart, between the left atrium and the left ventricle. This valve becomes inflamed due to inflammation of the inner part of the heart, then thickens and hardens and does not close well. The patient does not feel anything for 1-2 years. Then there is shortness of breath and frequent deep breathing. This disease does not kill a person, but it reduces the speed of life.


Medical or surgical treatment is applied under the supervision of a doctor and depending on the severity of the condition.

Arterial stiffness

Cholesterol, accumulated in the blood, covers the inner surface of the arteries and leads to hardening of the vascular inner tissue. Hardened vessels cannot carry out the task of blood transport, and because their diameters are reduced, the blood pressure increases and the pressure rises.


excessive alcohol consumption




improper nutrition

nervous disorders


In undeveloped cases, a diet to lower cholesterol is an attempt to lower cholesterol with medication as a result of failure to lower cholesterol. Advanced diseases require surgery.


It is a violation of the veins in the legs.


Inactivity or insufficient movement

Do not stand continuously

Wearing things like garters, corsets, tight shoes

Eating too much and fatty things


Excessive use of alcohol and cigarettes


Pains in legs and calves

Burning and itching in the legs

The formation of swellings, black threads and knots in the leg veins

Legs feel heavy like bullets

Constant coldness in the legs and partial paralysis

Swelling in the legs, calves and thighs

In the advanced stages, swelling, eczema and sores appear on the calves.


It may be necessary to change the daily lifestyle, change the diet, and catorize the veins lost as a result of varicose veins. Use of special socks.


In general, it appears in the form of a decrease in red blood cells in the blood.


The face is always pale

Hands and feet are always cold

There is frequent ringing in the ears

There is a heartbeat

Loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. expressed as


Bleeding (such as hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal and menstrual bleeding)

Poor functioning of blood-forming organs (spleen, bone marrow, liver)

Not getting enough iron in the diet for age


Nutritional regimen under the supervision of a doctor, if necessary, iron-containing drug treatment.

I want to remind you that heart and vascular diseases are one of the biggest problems of our time and that you can minimize the risk by changing the food culture and stopping the use of cigarettes and alcohol, and you have the chance to live a healthier and more active old age. Apart from that, if you don't have a problem with your stomach (gastritis, ulcer, etc.), consult your doctor. I will take a daily aspirin (Max. 300 mg.) It will protect you against heart and vascular diseases and a number of other diseases. It should be noted that such a decision should be taken in consultation with a PHYSICIAN.

The above text is prepared for news and information purposes, it does not replace the doctor's application diagnosis and treatment. A healthcare professional's appointment and approval must be obtained before starting any treatment period