Oral and dental health

Oral and dental health is a very important part of our overall health.

Regular caries treatments and tartar cleaning will ensure early diagnosis of potential problems and long-term healthy teeth in the mouth.

Pedodonty: Anti-caries isolation fillings (fissure sealant) in children, fluoride programs, early diagnosis and prevention of possible orthodontic problems...

In addition to getting into the habit of brushing teeth and organizing nutrition in children, regular dentist examinations should be done. With topical fluoride application, it is possible to strengthen the child's permanent teeth and create a layer that prevents decay with an insulating filling called a fissure seal applied to small and large molars. The health of baby teeth is very important because they are temporary and are often neglected. Caries in milk teeth cause pain and damage to permanent teeth. Early baby tooth loss is one of the most important causes of crowding of permanent teeth in children.

Periodontal: Cleaning of teeth for the purpose of treatment of gum disease, treatment of the disease by surgical methods....

Periodontal diseases are inflammatory diseases that affect the gums and the supporting tissues surrounding the teeth. The most important cause of gum disease is "bacteria". On average, if regular and sufficient brushing is not done every day, the calcium in the saliva combines with the layer of bacteria, hardens, sticks to the teeth and turns into a structure we call tartar. Harmful substances produced by bacteria cause inflammation in the gums. This early period of gum disease is called "gingivitis". During this period, the gums are red, bleeding and enlarged. The patient who notices the first signs of this disease table should immediately consult a doctor, it is possible to achieve high success in the treatment of the gums with tartar cleaning at this stage. In the case of neglecting what is said, the disease develops, the inflammation in the gums reaches the jaw bone and causes its dissolution. In this case, surgical treatment is needed. Tooth loss caused by gingivitis is greater than tooth loss caused by caries. The most important task in the prevention of periodontal problems falls on the person. Daily oral care (brushing and flossing) minimizes tartar formation, but cannot completely prevent it. Teeth should be brushed for 2 minutes in the morning and evening and regularly supervised and cleaned by a dentist.

Conservative Treatment: Caries treatments, amalgam and aesthetic fillings...

The bacteria that make up the bacteria in the mouth form acid from the leftovers of sugary and carbohydrate foods in the mouth. These acids dissolve the mineral tissue of the teeth and cause damage to the tooth enamel and, as a result, tooth decay. Conservative treatment is stopping the development of caries by treating them in the early period and treating the missing tooth substance in an aesthetic, functional and oral tissue-friendly manner.

Endodontic Treatment: Root canal treatments ...

Inside the hard tissue of the tooth, there is a small chamber that gives life to the tooth with blood vessels and nerves (pulp) entering from the very end of the root. This structure, which ensures the growth and survival of teeth, also serves as an alarm when decay occurs. Tooth decay that is not treated at an early stage progresses and reaches the pulp, where it causes inflammatory changes and causes severe pain. 

At a later stage, the acids secreted by the bacteria kill the pulp. The resulting toxins (poisons) leak from the root tip and spread to the jawbone. Inflammation in the jaw bone causes tooth loss and damage to surrounding tissues. Before reaching this stage, the tooth can be saved by removing the diseased pulp tissue to protect the tooth and surrounding tissues. After the pulp tissue is cleaned under anesthesia, the canals are expanded and disinfected. After all these operations, the interior of the pulp chamber is filled with special substances up to the tip of the root. Contrary to what is believed, these operations are painless and the treated tooth remains in the mouth for many years.

Surgery: Tooth Extraction, Complicated and Retained Tooth Extraction, Cyst Operations, Resection, etc. surgical operations...

Retained 20-year-old teeth: These teeth are also called wisdom teeth and can become inflamed or lead to a cyst if left fully or partially buried. Or it can push other teeth forward and cause crowding of the teeth. While it does not show any symptoms for a long time, it can suddenly cause severe pain, jaw tightness or swelling of the face. These teeth should be monitored and pulled if necessary. Shooting is done with a small operation.

Prosthetics: Kuro and bridge prostheses, total (complete) and skeletal (hooked) prostheses, Sensitive conservatism prostheses ...

prosthesis; it means replacing an absent organ with an artificial one. In cases where the teeth and surrounding tissues suffer from substance loss or are completely lost due to various reasons, the goal of the prosthesis is to restore the lost function to the patient and correct the damaged aesthetic appearance.

A missing tooth is a serious threat to other teeth. Undoubtedly, it is esthetically disruptive, but more importantly, shortly after tooth loss, space-limiting teeth naturally tilt toward the space. In addition, the removal of pressure on the teeth that are equal to the space in the opposite jaw causes them to stretch into the space and even fall out over time. Not only neighboring teeth, but other teeth are also affected by this position, and jaw joint, head and muscle pains may appear. In short, the sooner the gap is closed, the better.

Dentures are generally of two types:

Fixed prostheses, such as caps and bridges, made on the remaining teeth in the mouth (by reducing the teeth) and removed by the patient. Removable removable dentures (such as full and partial dentures) Full dentures are dentures that are worn when the patient has no teeth in their mouth.

Orthodontics: Correction of crooked teeth and jaw anomalies ...

The treatment of disorders due to developmental insufficiency, various wrong habits (factors such as finger sucking, pacifier and false nipple) is an orthodontic topic. The age factor is not important if only the teeth are crooked. Teeth straightening is possible at any age. However, if there is a problem with a person's bone structure, treatment is carried out until adulthood.

Dental implants: Dental implants are metal structures placed in the jawbone to replace lost teeth and fuse with the bone to act as a natural tooth root. These metal structures are made of tissue-friendly titanium and have no side effects. In order to fill the gap from single tooth loss, instead of reducing the adjacent teeth and bridging, an implant is placed in the gap without touching the other teeth and covered.

A stable bridge can be provided by placing a suitable number of implants in this area instead of removable dentures due to the loss of molar teeth. Implants are also used to eliminate chewing, speaking and psychological disorders in toothless mouths, especially in people who do not have dentures in their mouths. There are two options: Either a sufficient number of (6-8) implants are placed in the mouth and a stable bridge is created, or 2-4 implants are placed in the front region of the jaw to provide a more stable prosthesis. For implant placement, first a jaw x-ray is taken and it is examined whether there is enough bone for placement. If there are suitable conditions, the implant is applied to every adult and the chances of success are very high.

Aesthetic Dentistry: Closing separate teeth, adjusting the length of the gums visible during laughter, lightening the color of dark teeth, in short, the procedures that will bring aesthetics to the best possible, are the subject of aesthetic dentistry. In this context, methods such as porcelain laminate, Empress, aesthetic cosmetic fillings, teeth whitening (bleaching) are applied.

Teeth whitening (Bleaching): Tooth whitening is an operation that removes the discoloration of the teeth structure. Tooth discoloration can have various causes. The most popular reasons; use of stain-forming substances such as coffee, tea, cola and cigarettes, trauma, aging, tetracycline staining, old coatings, nerve degeneration, etc. such reasons. Teeth whitening is harmless to teeth and gums when it is performed properly and by a dentist. However, during the treatment, tooth sensitivity (especially in the cold), redness and sensitivity of the gums may occur. However, this is temporary and with the end of the treatment, these complaints disappear within a few days.

There are two methods for bleaching:

In the method called home bleaching, the doctor takes measurements from the mouth, molds are made according to them. The patient places the medicine in this mold and wears it on the teeth (at least 6-8 hours and preferably while sleeping). The operation ends in 1-4 weeks, depending on the color of the tooth. Whitening performed by a doctor in the examination room, called office bleaching. The doctor applies the medicine to the teeth, using a light source to whiten the teeth. Again, depending on the condition of the teeth, the teeth are whitened in one or more sessions.

Teeth whitening can be applied to anyone except pregnant women and children.